Sunday, March 31, 2013

Les Miserables

Normally I talk about my hatred of pop but I actually love like Broadway. So I wanted to give my review. Anne Hathaway was obviously was amazing if any of you saw. The innkeeper man and his wife(Helena Bonham and Sacha Baron Cohen) were hilarious. Samantha Barks(Eponine) actually played her character in the movie also in London. On My Own was touching and great. Amanda Seyfrield(Grown Cosette) I will say was a better pick than Taylor Swift, imagine that mess, but she sort of reminded me of a bird. I'm not saying she was bad, but all her parts are high so it's a very easy comparison. She overdid her verbratto in my opinon. Now Eddie Redmayne(Marius), he sang like a girl. I'm sorry but his facial expressions sucked, his voice was weak and girly, he annoyed me. I almost considered fast forwarding through those parts. Russell Crowe got a very cool character. Javert. On parts he should have been almost yelling were whispered. He lacked some structure and power but I just couldn't see anyone else in that part. I love the part ---- I won't ruin it for you. Overall very good. The fact they recorded live was amazing. A brand new feat no other movie musical has tried. Deserved all it got. Thanks!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Are Singing Competitions Hurting the Music Biz?

With shows like the Voice, American Idol, and X Factor reaching out to fans and aspiring artists, many labels find this sort of a cheat way out of making it. People like Bob Dylan worked hard to make their place while these shows advertise their participants and winners, making it harder on recording labels to publicize their own artists. The recording label, Chrysalis, compares this to Van Gogh and a Van Gogh paint by number kit. So like said, a cheat. Is it possible that these shows made for entertainment are hurting our music business? Was it really unintentional? 

Music and Social Media

It seems like everyday there is more and more technology available not only to artists in studios but also to amateurs. In today's age you don't have to have a recording artist to publish and publicize your music and for just about little to nothing cost on your part. With Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media, it is much easier to get your music out to others to hear. With just a simple mic or built-in computer mic and some equipment, you can get your own "demo" out on Youtube within a short period of time depending on you. It's really a great thing for musicians today. Below I'll put some links to sites like eHow if you have any interest. For the aspiring singer, songwriters.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Music Review: Kerli

So she's not a new artist but I feel like she deserves some credit. Kerli was born during the final years of the Soviet occupation in Estonia. In 2006, LA Reid signed her. She has 4 albums which are:  Love Is Dead, Zero Gravity, Tea Party, The Lucky Ones, and the recent Utopia. She even has her own style.  BUBBLEGOTH! Oh yeah, and a movement. They are called Moon Children. She has a unique style. She isn't like all the other ego obsessed artists out there. And she can actually sing. She understands her audience and does it for the love of music. I highly recommend trying it.

Why I Hate Modern Pop

I feel like I should probably explain why I hate modern pop before I rag any other pop artists and such. So this is why. As in the weblink, what has happened to being legendary. It seems all they care about is making a quick buck and having a flashy show. People admire these artists and then we support them and a few years later they're like Linsey Lohan. I'm not saying the same problem isn't present in other genres, I'm just saying it is very popular among pop. Hope I haven't offended any yet. What do you think of pop?

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Music Today: Musical Marijuana

I love studies! I know, it's weird. So the University of Pittsburgh's School of Medicine did a study on almost 1,000 ninth-graders. They wondered about the exposure of pot thorough popular music and to likely hood of the listener to the use of it. They found that those listening to the music were actually about twice as much more likely to trying or using pot. The thing was, it was never associated with other risk behaviors like drinking or other drugs, just pot. There are almost 800 songs with pot related lyrics. There are a lot of other facts and cool stuff in this article I'm to lazy to write out so link below. Tell me what you think about pot and pop!

Pit Bull featuring Christina Aguilera's KCA Performance Review

Okay, I don't know if any of you watch the Kid's Choice Awards. It's pretty much Nick's version of the Oscars that is anything but classy and kids choose the winners. So this is Pit Bull's performance. I don't think this was his best performance. It was all just faces and dancing. It was fun but the vocals just weren't that great. I don't know, maybe you'll enjoy his performance. Tell me what you think!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Musicians Using Lyric Sheets and iPads

I don't know if anyone has ever been to a concert or seen one where the artist is looking down at this lyric sheet or iPad for song help. Have any of you noticed? I don't know if it bothers any of you but this bothers me. They've worked on these songs and more than likely wrote or helped write them, so why do you need a lyric sheet to know it. I find it insulting. I started guitar and I would never go to a gig with sheet music. How can you make a connection with your audience? It's just plain unprofessional Tell me what you think!

Music Today:What Kesha Could Be Doing to Your Brain.

So my sister was on the internet when she came across this article. She decided to show it to me and it's very interesting. I'll put the link at the end. So some scientists from Columbia University conducted a study over 6 months. They did it with 12 monkeys. Okay, so each group of monkeys listened to Kesha one hour a day for one week. I think you all know what they played, We R Who We R, Tik Tok, Your Love Is My Drug. The monkeys were actually taught how to push a button to express their opinion on the song, yeah, that sounds like fun. You won't believe what the monkeys do next. After seconds of listening to Blah, Blah, Blah, the monkeys didn't appear to happy. They put their feces on the speakers and hurling themselves at the cage walls. (Sort of how I always feel about pop[jk,but seriously]). The other groups of monkeys listened to other pop singers though, like, Justin Beiber, Avril Lavigne<3, and John Mayer. All the monkeys were injected with a drug that impaired the brain. The Ke$ha Monkeys had higher brain abnormalities than the others. The Beiber Monkeys were a close second though. So I'd choose a new artist to dance to. Tell me what you think!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Music Today: Introduction

Let me just begin with, I have NEVER written a blog before. I'm not much of a writer either but I thought it'd be interesting to try. I'll just let you know a little bit about me before I go on and let me just say, these are my personal opinions. I'm a student in Ohio who has started to wonder, what has happened to music today. I listen to everything and one question remains, "WHAT HAPPENED?" With vocal software like autotune and such today, you can be someone like me and get into the music business. I'm not saying it's easy, but you don't have to be very good. What happened to recordings that were recorded live. I know, records, I'm a little old fashioned. Musicians today seem only to be in it for the money and what people WANT to hear. What happened to being legendary. The Beatles didn't become legendary making what people wanted to hear. Of course you want your music heard and it still is. A rejected Beatles tape was discovered. With hard work though, they made it. I'm not going to make this much longer, but I hope you stick around for more posts, trust me, they won't be this boring(I hope).