Monday, March 25, 2013

Music Today: Introduction

Let me just begin with, I have NEVER written a blog before. I'm not much of a writer either but I thought it'd be interesting to try. I'll just let you know a little bit about me before I go on and let me just say, these are my personal opinions. I'm a student in Ohio who has started to wonder, what has happened to music today. I listen to everything and one question remains, "WHAT HAPPENED?" With vocal software like autotune and such today, you can be someone like me and get into the music business. I'm not saying it's easy, but you don't have to be very good. What happened to recordings that were recorded live. I know, records, I'm a little old fashioned. Musicians today seem only to be in it for the money and what people WANT to hear. What happened to being legendary. The Beatles didn't become legendary making what people wanted to hear. Of course you want your music heard and it still is. A rejected Beatles tape was discovered. With hard work though, they made it. I'm not going to make this much longer, but I hope you stick around for more posts, trust me, they won't be this boring(I hope). 

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